Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What is in your steak?

This is not about any particular Colorado company. It does involve Colorado ranches and Colorado meat.
I was reminded of the importance of knowing where your steaks come from today when a high school class mate facebooked that she had purchased some steaks from a door-to-door sales person. This reminded me of the steak sales that was going on in Colorado Springs this summer. The lead was '20 ribeye steaks for $20'. Well, to check out what was going on, I bought a package. Took it to a meat cutter to get his opinion. The results: They were 4oz, from old cows or bulls, and some of them were probably from the chuck.
Lesson learned.
Meat can be so good, or it can be so bad. The commodity type with its antibiotics, hormones, meat glue, ammonia, preservatives, and color enhancers is not so good. Then there is the kind that  you should be eating. That is the meat from your local producer. He won't be using antibiotics, except for sickness, hormones, or any other harmful substances.
So the choice is yours......commodity with all the potential harmful additives or the home grown stuff that is pure meat.
I hope this has given you something to think about. Questions? Comments? Let me know.


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